Code of Business Conduct & Ethics  


At PETROJET, we conduct our business with a set of principles that reflect our values and established standards governing ethical individual and shared behavior. We strictly and consistently apply these standards in all our activities, and in full accordance with both the Egyptian Penal Laws and PETROJET’s governance procedures. That is how we have always gained the trust of our shareholders in addition to governments and communities in locations we work in, suppliers and subcontractors, and finally our colleagues. PETROJET Code of Business Conduct & Ethics (COBC) is simply a tool that helps us make the right decisions; It sets out standards for each individual in the company in a clear and detailed manner; it states what we truly stand for as a company. Should the employees ever have any concerns regarding the application of COBC & Ethics, need advice in making any sensitive decisions that may arise in the course of their work, or think the code is violated in any manner, I strongly encourage them to report their concerns immediately to their direct supervisors, HR Division and if needed the Legal Division. The effective implementation of COBC & Ethics is of the highest priority for Shareholders and the code is compulsory without exception. Everyone in PETROJET is responsible for upholding its requirements, especially the company’s Management who set the example for all employees. Failure to observe the code may be a cause for disciplinary action.

code of conduct